Monday, January 4, 2016

Why I love owning a Martial Arts studio

It is winter camp time today began with early drop off at 6 am.  I rolled into the driveway around 10 pm after staying to help with the evening classes.  

Although I'm completely exhausted my spirit overflows as I think about how grateful I am to have the privilege to work with wonderful children and families.  

Day camps are a time to create memories with students and have good clean fun.  I can play and be silly as we go non stop visiting different places each and every day.  

 It is also an opportunity to work on social skills and attitudes.   It is humbling as a teacher when I think about how I get to influence and develop the future leaders of our great country.  As I crawl into bed this evening my only thought is,  "This is why I love owning a marital Arts studio."

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